The Government of Brazil is working to develop a new policy for professionally qualified would-be immigrants to the country. The construction of the approach has been entrusted to SAE (The Secretariat of Strategic Affairs).
This Brazilian news will be far-reaching if it’s implemented.The idea is that highly-qualified engineers, executives and other professionals from overseas often have skills the Country needs and, although limits are still needed, their welcome should be more encouraging and flexible. These people will have their requests treated as a special category, distinct from less qualified applicants, whose paperwork will be processed as stringently as before.
The project co-ordinator for the professionals’ scheme is the economist Ricardo Paes de Barros. He has confirmed that the new policy will indeed be handled with care and subtlety. Mr Paes de Barros explained that up to now, the so-called Foreigners’ Statute of 1980 has governed immigration and work permit matters. Although amended and adjusted over the years it is now overdue for wholesale overhaul.
The demand from well qualified overseas people is certainly there. For example, in the first nine months of 2011, Brazil’s Ministry of Labour granted over fifty-one thousand work permits, nearly a third higher than the comparable period the previous year. And this happened under the present, cumbersome system with rules which many people say are far too tight on the one hand (‘strict’) and far too loose on the other (‘open to too wide a margin of personal interpretation’). Among other things the present procedure requires numerous documents stamped and authorised by consulates.
The SAE proposals for a new streamlined system are expected by the end of March. The various lawyers, economists and social scientists comprising the group will be basing their draft on the inspiration of more enlightened (but still sensibly balanced) policies provided by such countries as Australia and Canada.
If implemented, a new scheme of this kind will have obvious beneficial results for all those seeking (or continuing) to invest in Brazil.
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