Since October last year there has been a serious environmental situation in the South East of Brazil. Unusually heavy rains (and consequent serious flooding) has meant severe dislocation in many districts, causing disruption in infrastructure and services, homelessness for thousands and even several instances of death.
In particular, the State of Minas Gerais has been badly affected in these ways. Obviously the general situation extends well beyond its borders but many of the worst results are contained within them.
On Tuesday of this week, national President Dilma Rousseff called on the State Governor, Antonio Anastasia to provide additional relief funding for the worse-affected areas. These include over 50 local towns and cities who are in an emergency situation, plus a similar number in a lesser (but still significant) condition. As well as these regional initiatives, The President also promised federal support through national government agencies.
The climatic problem is serious. However, the actual death toll, while tragic, has been comparatively low. The numbers directly attributable are still in single figures.
In a lesser sense, over two million residents of the State have been affected in all sorts of ways by the rains with nearly ten thousand people made directly homeless.
Needless to say, the genearal economy of Minas Gerais has been badly affected and the ‘knock-on’ effect for general social progress has been serious. It is hoped in government circles (both national and state) that international investment will also help with the recovery of the State, in tandem with the public sector efforts. In particular, it is felt that homelessness must be tackled urgently, either the short-term problem caused by the floods or the longer-term structural housing problem which Dilma and her administration ahave always been so avid to tackle.
article source : EcoHouse News
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