A leading item of Brazilian News today explains that The Brazilian Association of Shopping Retailers ('Alshop') has just reported an increase in sales of 5.5% this Christmas. While a healthy increase, the growth was a little lower than expected, the Association's President, Nabil Sahyoun, commented. He explained that the statistics were compiled from the figures provided from 150 or so companies, comprising nearly 6.5 thousand outlets nationwide.
The analysis of the various categories is interesting. For example, cosmetic and perfume sales grew by eighteen percent since the previous year, a very similar expansion to that of jewellery. On the other hand, children's toys only went up 4% (surprisingly modest ) and clothing of all kinds an average increase of only 2%. Of course, commentators disagree about the actual broader meaning of the differences but whichever way one looks at it, Sahyoun's conclusion (and that of Alshop) is one of slight disappointment with the overall results and increasing frowns at the 'everyday items' end of the scale. And yet, the number of retail outlets of all kinds in the country is expected to grow by over ten per cent next year.
In a sense, the fact that professional bodies such as Alshop are actually disappointed with a retail surge of over five percent is telling. It's not so long ago since any increase at all in the economy would have been satisfying. However, in the new expanding economy, sights have been adjusted upwards, often very markedly.
All this of course has to be seen against the backdrop of Brazil's rapid expansion in recent years of the average standard of living of her people. This is true not least in the sphere of affordable housing. More and more of Brazil's growing middle class can now afford not just consumer goods, necessary or not, but the crucial basis in their lives of secure, good quality housing such as provided by the Miha Casa Miha Vida scheme.
The growth of this latter foundation helps to provide people with the confidence to proceed with and afford the former. Both are linked, for 2012 and beyond.
message source : EcoHouse News
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