Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Growing Links Between the UK and Brazil

There has always been a close relationship between Great Britain and possibly the leading powerhouse country of South America. To re-emphasise further the growing links between Britain and Brazil, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg led a delegation to the BRIC nation earlier this year.

The purpose was to develop ties further in advance of 2012, a particularly important year for the two countries.

A main feature will be the Rio +20 conference, a UN sponsored meeting on sustainable development which the UK coalition government claims as an important priority. In addition there will be further visits during the year from Prime Minister David Cameron, and leading cabinet ministers from his government including both the Chancellor (finance minister) and the UK’s Foreign Secretary.

People in Brazil and Britain are also both very interested in the Olympics. These are due in London next summer, and the experiences and lessons to be learned and shared are of great concern. Remember that the Brazilians themselves will be hosting the Summer Olympics themselves in Rio in 2014 and they realise the importance of maximising potential as far as they can.

Of course, these all provide investment opportunities. This will have an important impact on the Brazilian economy in general and the construction sector in particular. Naturally, this won’t just include major projects such as the stadium and other infrastructure in Rio and elsewhere which will provide international property investment possibilities.

Additionally though, accommodation/housing is coming into focus. This is with a view to extending homeownership facilities to more modestly-waged citizens and workers, through the Minha Casa Minha Vida scheme in particular.

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