The Director of Ecohouse Brasil Constructions, Gabriela Medeiros, said that the investors from Singapore were in Natal to get to know the company better and she took this opportunity to show them the Hospital that they are partnered with as part of their social responsibility program. “They are very curious with respect to our company’s role in social responsibility and therefore we brought them here to visit this institution. Social responsibility makes up part of our company as our objective is not only to construct quality homes but also to concern ourselves with the community in which we live in. We have a partnership with both Varela Santiago and with orphans,” said the director.
Gabriela Medeiros said that the partnership was cemented last year with the idea of charging just R$1 and one can of milk as the registration fee in the selling of any of their developments. The total collected from the selling of their projects is passed onto the unit. Last December, Anthony Armstrong, formally delivered during an event at the hospital, a check to the value of R$45 thousand and Christmas presents to the Technical Director, Angela Trinidade. “We hope that all businesses can do the same, as helping is our moral duty,” highlighted the Director, Gabriela Medeiros.
The General Administrator and Head of finance of Varela Santiago Hospital, Francisco Regis da Costa Neta, said that their partnership began around one year ago when the directors of the company visited the hospital and were moved by the need and cause of the institution. He also stated that at the time the infant ward was being completed they were only missing the beds – the special cradles.
“Any and all companies that are looking to collaborate with us we receive with great satisfaction as these added up efforts guarantee the continuation of our services. We depend on the united forces of the municipal, state and federal government and the population, but unfortunately the government is very absent and we are at the mercy of the population that are our partners,” stated the manager.
Francisco Regis da Costa said that the delay in transfers continue to hurt the functioning of the unit. At the end of last year, 2012, the general director of the hospital, Paulo Xavier achieved a 20% incentive on production of the hospital by the Ministry of Health.Resources to the value of R$ 974 thousand are in the Municipal Health Secretariat of Natal but they have not found a way to legally make this transfer to Varela Santiago
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