The recent carnival holiday in Rio de Janiero was apparently not enough for many of the area’s parliamentarians. Following the five-day break, only 31 of the seventy deputies in Alerj (the Legislative
Assembly) turned up. Consequently, the gathering was found to be inquorate following a request for a count from Rep. Luiz Paulo. It therefore had to be ultimately cancelled...a very disappointing start to the renewed session, to say the least. In the other House (House of councillors) the situation was even worse because only 7 members were present to open the proceedings.
Now, to be fair, some of the absent politicians must have had legitimate excuses. Doubtless there were numerous genuine cases of illness of self or close family, attendance at weddings, baptisms or funerals, official business elsewhere and so on. So, some had real reasons for not attending. But what about all the others ?
With such a busy schedule and so much of importance to debate and discuss, many are dismayed at the lack of urgency. This is particularly worrying for those who keep an eye on the situation regarding important social projects such as Minha Casa Minha Vida, the revolutionary new affordable-housing programme.
Regarding the absent members, some are cynically (or realistically) unsurprised, such as Councilman Paul Pinheiro (PSOL). He reminded listeners that a lack of quorum (particularly at times like these) is a common problem in municipal or regional legislatures. In general, he concluded, the chamber(s) filled-up only when a vote is seen as very important by members themselves or the executive.
The general problem is set to worsen this year, many fear. This is because 2012 is of course an election year. Incumbent representatives seeking re-election can therefore be expected, alas, to spend even more time outside the Assembly as they campaign to retain their seats.
very interesting blog, was looking for an English language blog on investment in Brazil