Monday, 28 January 2013

EcoHouse Launch New Corporate Video

EcoHouse Group Corporate Video Showcasing the companies continuing dedication to Minha Casa Minha Vida and Brazilian Social Housing, After the success of Arco Iris and Casa Nova, EcoHouse have recently launched their third Minha Casa Minha Vida Development, Bosque Residencial.

EcoHouse now have offices in London, Sao Paulo, Natal, Toronto, Singapore and Dubai and are making Minha Casa Minha Vida Investments more popular than ever.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Minha Casa Minha Vida Housing for another 6000 families in Rio

The famous 'Minha Casa Minha Vida' affordable housing scheme has gained a well-deserved reputation in Brazil. The overall idea is to enable millions of people on modest incomes to be able to afford to buy decent homes for the very first time, helped by specially designed mortgages.

One of the latest developments is in the Jacarepagua area of Rio. It is expected to benefit at least six thousand people in 1,400 units.
The target is for construction to be completed by the end of next year (2014). Before that, hoves, bids from propspective builders will be assessed and contracts to build allocated.

That is expected by February 18 this year.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

EcoHouse CEO Anthony Armstrong Emery backs new children’s charity

A new charity set up by overseas property professionals to help underprivileged children has received a welcome boost from EcoHouse Group CEO Anthony Armstrong Emery.

Anthony was among those who donated a total of £7,750 to Frontiers Foundation at last autumn’s OPP Gala Dinner towards a new toilet block and classrooms at Ket Wangi orphanage in Kenya, which have just been completed.

As more than expected was donated at the dinner, some teachers’ salaries and 10 children’s mattresses have been funded.

Anthony says, “EcoHouse and I already support various organisations that support needy children and we have been delighted to help Frontiers Foundation’s worthwhile projects.”
The charity has been set up by Ray Withers, co-founder of international investment specialists Property Frontiers, and Charlotte Ashton, of PR company, AB Property Marketing.
Frontiers Foundation’s has initially supported the Kenya orphanage project and the drilling of a borehole in a small, remote Zambia village, Ngwezi B.

For 2013, it is also raising money foran educational / community support project for deprived children in the Santa Teresa favela in Rio, Brazil – which is obviously something that EcoHouse supports wholeheartedly.